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With so many available today, it is wise to have a make you can trust. The F-22 Raptor is certainly that and will be a excellent purchase. For this great price, the F-22 Raptor is highly respected and is always a popular choice amongst most people.
F-22 Raptor Product Information
The F-22 Raptor is, as of 2009, the most modern fighter in operational service. It is more advanced than any other operational aircraft in many ways, including upgraded detection capabilities and vectored thrust maneuvering. The F-22's biggest achievement may be its stealth capabilities, something previously limited to bomber aircraft. The Raptor has an incredibly small radar profile, allowing it to sneak past potential hostile defenses, but this necessitates an internalized weapons rack that decreases total payload, and the stealth construction increases maintenance requirements. Cost and design aside, the F-22 has proven itself extremely useful in both real-word and simulated combat exercises. A painstakingly detailed finish and quality construction make this model of the most modern fighter to date a must-have for any collector. U.S. stealth air superiority fighter. Jet Engine aircraft, two engine. Handcrafted, hand-painted mahogany construction. Scale: 1/40th. Operators: U.S. Air F
- Handcarved Mahogany Wood Model Airplane
- Handcrafted and Handpainted
- Comes with base stand ready to display
- Comes with base stand ready for display
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