Where can I order the Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub, Blue? Click Here to order this Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub, Blue. During the moments, they can include free delivery and from what I can tell when comparing prices with more online sellers, they do have the best price especially with the free delivery plan.
With so many available right now, it is good to have a make you can trust. The Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub, Blue is certainly that and will be a perfect buy. For this reduced price, the Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub, Blue is widely recommended and is always a regular choice amongst many people.
Prince Lionheart Flexibath Foldable Bathtub, Blue Product Information
The flexiBATH is the ultimate solution to fun bathing and space saving. With a simple snap, the flexiBATH opens to a large bath tub or folds flat, perfect for storing or traveling. Excellent for bathing and great for so many other uses. The flexiBATH is recommended for infants and toddlers up to the age of 4.
- Save water and space with flexiBATH
- flexiBATH opens to a large bath tub or folds flat when not in use
- Great for travel, sensory play, outdoor time, pet use, or storage
- 0 4 months
- Measures approximately 26 1/4" L x 15 1/3" W x 9 1/2" H
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